
Trunkfish baby book

Whether your human, fur seal or penguin, parents or caregivers can't help but snap baby pictures. And chances are hundreds of pictures followed those first snapshots, taking up wallspace in frames or memory across your digital devices as the little one grew up. Well, a little trunkfish growing up at the Aquarium right now is no exception.

Baby trunkfish in seahorse exhibit | January, 2014

The tiny baby trunkfish was scooped up on a chilly fall day by Aquarium staff during a trip to Rhode Island more than a year ago. A so-called Gulf Stream orphan, the juvenile from the tropics had surfed the Gulf Stream up the coast during warmer months and would have died if it remained in the water over a harsh New England winter. But the aquarists gave this little fish a new lease on life in our comfortable exhibits.

Baby trunkfish in seahorse exhibit | November 2014

Too small to survive in the wilds of the Giant Ocean Tank, the little fish cruised comfortably around the seahorse exhibit near the Edge of the Sea touch tank for about a year. And it grew and grew...

Not-so-baby trunkfish in garden eel exhibit | April, 2015

... until finally the little fish graduated to a larger exhibit in the coral reef center, where you can find it today. This fellow has a ways to grow before it can be released into our biggest exhibit, so make your way up to see this little survivor in the garden eel exhibit today. 

Meet our growing trunkfish! Visit the Aquarium today. Save time and buy your tickets online.

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